What are you going to do about this?
What is a maze? A maze is a puzzling game. A garden maze is a network, or labyrinth, of paths between high hedges. The puzzle is to find the paths that will lead most quickly to the exit, but the hedges prevent you from seeing where alternative routes lead. The aim is not to reach the exit as quickly as possible, but to solve the problem effectively. The entrance is 'the situation'. Everyone starts here, and then chooses a course of action - click on number 1 and begin ...
You have decided to take a hard line: you will not negotiate with the hijackers. The press, radio and television in your country tell the people of your decision. Your office receives hundreds of angry telephone calls from relatives of the hostages. The relatives form a 'Save Our Loved Ones' committee and create an online petition. The media are very symapthetic to them.