1 Hijacking - Language Maze - MAZES - language and fun


The Situation 

You are the Leader of a small country that only became independent a few years ago. You are economically dependent on Globalia, a super power, which provides you with much of the aid you need.

One of your main political problems is that a large number of people called the THP (The True and Honest People) in your country feel that you have taken over their land and made them feel like slaves in their own homes. These people have their own culture and religion and feel separate from you and the rest of the people in the country.

Suddenly, one morning you are informed that a group of armed hijackers have taken over a plane flying from your capital to the capital of Corrupta, a powerful industrial nation. The hijackers say they represent the struggle of the THP, the people in your country who are fighting for independence. The hijacked plane belongs to Corrupta. On board the plane there are 100 of your nationals, fifty people from Corrupta and a further fifty people from various other countries.

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